Resilience: Our Superpower
There are very few leadership books or articles that will overlook the powerful impact of resilience and for good reason.The long-term implications of sustaining in the face of struggle, challenges, oppression and even defeat have proven to be the unequivocal superpower for exceptional leaders. As we discussed in last week’s article, there are many external factors existing now that are strong enough to hamper the efforts of leaders and their organizations.Yet, I want to focus more on how incredibly important it is for leaders, especially women leaders, in understanding the power in our refusal to surrender.
This week, at the tender and young age of 43, Actor Chadwick Boseman, succumbed to cancer. As details of his passing emerged, amidst shock and complete disbelief from friends and colleagues alike, the world learned that Chadwick had been secretly battling Colon Cancer. As if 2020 needed to deliver yet another devastating blow, particularly to the Black community…we are left to reconcile, yet again, the pain of losing someone who literally exhibited in its greatest form what it means to lead a life of purpose beyond one’s self.
Chadwick’s entire career was established in purpose and his approach regarding business decisions were made based on an alignment with his purpose. This is where so many leaders struggle. We lead making primary what should be secondary when it's time to make critical decisions. .Here’s what I mean, many leaders make decisions based on what they believe others would deem appropriate, what society identifies as the standard of excellence, what we think will land the most profitable return or what we think will gain us the most attention and popularity. All of these standards are counter intuitive to leading in purpose; while important they are secondary.There is a saying that says, “keep the main thing--- the main thing.”
As a first step in leadership development, I help leaders establish a strong leadership philosophy, one that aligns with core values at the personal and professional level.This is and should always remain the primary navigator for leaders on their journey. If opportunities, business deals, and even relationships are out of alignment, leaders must establish the confidence needed to walk away.Chadwick’s ability to do this gave purpose to his journey in a way that not only benefited him extraordinarily in the long run, but benefited an entire culture of people that desperately needed his leadership.We needed his hope, we needed his compassion, his kindness, his empathy and we needed his innate superpower to help create vision for generations to come. His passing stings in ways that many do not understand, but I understand in a very tangible way the ramifications of establishing your leadership in purpose. Now, as a lingering impact of his resilience, we are inspired to carry the torch despite our mourning. His resilience benefited us all and now it’s time for our resilience to do the same.
Few Quick Tips:
Take Reflective Inventory Daily: What went right today and what didn’t go well? Were you in alignment regarding decisions or not? Who did well in your space and who experienced challenges? What are the gaps and how can you help fill them?
Ask questions: Get clarity before reacting. Ask questions of your team, your stakeholders, your leaders, your family until you are clear of all expectations—those you have of others and those that are expected of you.
Lean into your Leadership purpose and philosophy:You cannot walk away from something that you have not identified as problematic to your existence and purpose.Do the work and write it down.This should be so clear that those that earnestly support you can serve as gatekeepers.
Know your people: Chadwicks core support maintained a four year secret. Had it not been for a clearly defined vision, I am almost certain that their ability to stay focus despite the weight of his medical condition would have been impossible. Your trust circle; a good circle will always be the secret sauce to your resilience.
Dr. Wy
Dr. Wykesha Hayes is a growing voice in the leadership and DEI space. Her extensive experiences in developing emerging, entrepreneurial and executive level leaders across various industries serves as the cornerstone to her approach. As founder and CEO of Keey Group, LLC, her leadership and diversity coaching and consulting programs equips leaders and organizations to perform exceptionally within the spaces they occupy.