Leadership Development: What Is It?
If you’ve followed me for any amount of time, you know that it is very likely that the conversation will lend itself to Leadership Development in some way. It’s one of the things I do, one of the things I’m most passionate about and one of the things I think is truly paramount. Fundamentally, I believe that meaningful leadership development experiences transcend every facet of one's life.
It is for this reason many professionals and organizations invest in leadership development programs in some way. From emerging to executive level leaders, leadership development is the ever popular concept that the foundation of success often rests upon. As I was thinking about the impact that Leadership Development has on professionals within organizations, and individuals within their personal life, it dawned on me that it is just as important if not more important that entrepreneurs elevate their commitment to leadership development as well. So, I’m dedicating attention to helping entrepreneurs develop or enhance their leadership skills through effective leadership development. I’ll definitely be addressing entrepreneurial leadership in my new blog series and across all social platforms.
Today, I want to start by addressing the basics. What is Leadership Development? Depending on who you talk to, this definition will vary. From scholars to society's most influential figures, definitions of leadership have been shared but I wonder if we’ve really made the concept of leadership development tangible enough. So, what is leadership development according to Dr. Wy.
Here is a great time for you to reflect upon your definition of LEADERSHIP?
What is LEADERSHIP TO YOU as an entrepreneur and growing professional?
Now, by virtue of your definition, what skills or characteristics do you need to develop?
I purport that Leadership Development is the process of learning or enhancing the skills needed to effectively manage self and others in pursuit of and in alignment with a common organizational, business or team goal(s).
Leadership development is personal and should provide opportunities for leaders (in any capacity) to reflect critically on how they show up and navigate three fundamental areas as indicated in the WC HAYES leadership development model. When an individual engages in a meaningful and transformative leadership development experience they should be able to better answer and demonstrate the following:
How do you manage YOU? (#iamKEEY)
How do you manage OTHERS? (#youareKEEY)
How do you manage the ORGANIZATION/BUSINESS? (weareKEEY)
Leadership Development ensures that you show up in your full potential and are able to sustain effective leadership in the spaces you are called to lead. Over the next few blogs, I’ll talk specifically about the skills needed to effectively navigate at each stage but I really wanted to lay the groundwork for a very real process that deserves much more attention than often given credit for.
Many organizations, businesses and quite frankly people fail because they don’t invest in the leadership development process. Beyond understanding what is meant by leadership development, you should also note that it is just as, if NOT MORE important as any other personal, professional, or entrepreneurial strategic planning process. Your leadership development plan is just as important as your marketing plan, your product development strategy, your business strategy etc. Understand that if a person (YOU) that is leading the execution of these plans and strategies is not developed…Sustainable Success is going to be hard to come by.
Do you have a leadership development strategy? Are you building leadership development into your business (entrepreneurial) growth strategy? Do you think it’s important? Why?
For more information about my leadership development programs and services for entrepreneurs and corporate professionals join our KEEY KOMMUNITY at bit.ly/keeykommunity.